
What´s that?

Para-dressage is dressage for riders with handicaps. Compensatory aids can be used to compensate for the disability. For comparability, riders are classified in grades (a kind of competition classes) 1-5, with riders in grade 1 having the most severe limitations and those in grade 5 having the least, and corresponding tasks ridden. For classification, muscle strength, joint mobility and coordination are assessed. Para-dressage is a discipline recognized by the FEI and is held at the Paralympics.

How does that works for me?


 I need 2 whips to support my legs and Velcro straps over my thigh to stabilize the seat. Depending on the saddle and physical condition, I ride with stirrups in which my foot is fixed. All fixing or stabilizing aids are designed to release in case of a fall and not to keep me in the saddle to avoid dangerous situations.

How does it looks?